Statistics & Research about Escalon,CA - Silva Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Escalon,CA an area served by Silva Insurance

Phone : 209-838-3561

Car dealers nearby Silva Insurance

Tom Hillier Ford

TOM HILLIER FORD 3000 McHenry Avenue, Escalon, CA 95320
Phone: (209) 838-3535

Real estate research for area nearby Silva Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cowan 124,500 2001 19.3
Westport 421,700 864 2.5
Parklawn 71,700 823 13.8
Lincoln Village 199,200 1184 7.1
Valley Home 360,900 972 3.2
Shackelford 85,600 796 11.2
Dogtown 432,900 1418 3.9
Bystrom 89,200 804 10.8
Grayson 134,600 961 8.6
Acampo 236500 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by Silva Insurance

Place name Number of whites
Cowan 194
Westport 3983
Parklawn 654
Lincoln Village 2638
Valley Home 319
Shackelford 1860
Dogtown 2144
Bystrom 3029
Grayson 1128
Acampo 462
Salida 16347
Manteca 65055
Del Rio 1432
Waterford 12588
Ripon 14910

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Silva Insurance

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Westport 480000
Lincoln Village 310200
Valley Home 335000
Shackelford 81100
Dogtown 256300
Bystrom 153900
Grayson 438500
Salida 360200
Manteca 205800
Del Rio 475000
Waterford 188900
Ripon 280800

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Silva Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Westport 48
Lincoln Village 41
Shackelford 53
Bystrom 6
Grayson 26
Salida 305
Manteca 2250
Del Rio 74
Waterford 140
Ripon 380

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Silva Insurance

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Westport 311500
Valley Home 487500
Dogtown 391700
Bystrom 119100
Grayson 150400
Acampo 229600
Salida 190600
Manteca 224000
Del Rio 817300
Waterford 166800
Ripon 310800