Statistics & Research about Gold River,CA - Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Gold River,CA an area served by Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Phone : 916-984-3000

Real estate research for area nearby Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Placerville 315,500 936 3.6
Meadow Vista 352,500 1364 4.6
Rio Oso 370,800 844 2.7
Trowbridge 258800 NA NA
Loomis 344,100 1265 4.4
Arden-Arcade 288,200 872 3.6
Cameron Park 343,800 1130 3.9
Fruitridge Pocket 148,300 1007 8.1
Camanche Village 242900 NA NA
Lemon Hill 103,000 853 9.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Placerville 2666
Meadow Vista 278
Rio Oso 25
Trowbridge 21
Loomis 220
Arden-Arcade 14374
Cameron Park 1538
Fruitridge Pocket 782
Camanche Village 25
Lemon Hill 1880
Ione 1082
Rocklin 5361
Lincoln 7080
North Highlands 5207
Newcastle 286

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Placerville 333400
Meadow Vista 404600
Rio Oso 230000
Loomis 289600
Arden-Arcade 237400
Cameron Park 305400
Lemon Hill 92300
Ione 292300
Rocklin 355400
Lincoln 290500
North Highlands 147500
Newcastle 360000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Placerville 109
Meadow Vista 15
Rio Oso 6
Loomis 79
Arden-Arcade 985
Cameron Park 179
Fruitridge Pocket 28
Camanche Village 9
Lemon Hill 107
Ione 97
Rocklin 2897
Lincoln 2293
North Highlands 218
Newcastle 34

Number of blacks in places near by Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Placerville 110
Loomis 50
Arden-Arcade 7770
Cameron Park 65
Fruitridge Pocket 961
Lemon Hill 1698
Ione 861
Rocklin 1148
Lincoln 809
North Highlands 4990