Statistics & Research about Orangevale,CA - Olson Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Orangevale,CA an area served by Olson Insurance Inc

Phone : 916-988-3457

Car dealers nearby Olson Insurance Inc

Autosense Auto Exchange

Phone: 1-866-660-7398

Autosense Auto Exchange

Phone: 1-866-660-7398
url: http://autosoftautos.comautosense.aspx

Real estate research for area nearby Olson Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Drytown 344900 NA NA
Florin 150,200 994 7.9
Newcastle 229,900 1286 6.7
Penryn 416700 NA NA
Plymouth 183,900 1048 6.8
Antelope 225,000 1379 7.4
Sutter Creek-Plymouth 317,600 1024 3.9
El Dorado Hills 479,900 1707 4.3
Lemon Hill 103,000 853 9.9
Trowbridge 258800 NA NA

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Olson Insurance Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Drytown 118
Florin 4759
Newcastle 286
Penryn 35
Plymouth 226
Antelope 2111
Sutter Creek-Plymouth 1594
El Dorado Hills 1186
Lemon Hill 1880
Trowbridge 21
Sheridan 108
Fair Oaks 2828
Georgetown 342
Lake of the Pines 181
Sacramento 118366

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Olson Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Florin 200000
Newcastle 361100
Penryn 388900
Plymouth 185900
Antelope 246800
Sutter Creek-Plymouth 290500
El Dorado Hills 542900
Trowbridge 285000
Sheridan 772700
Fair Oaks 485700
Sacramento 274400

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Olson Insurance Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Florin 299
Newcastle 34
Penryn 53
Plymouth 4
Antelope 939
Sutter Creek-Plymouth 100
El Dorado Hills 2444
Lemon Hill 107
Fair Oaks 867
Georgetown 10
Lake of the Pines 33
Sacramento 15170

Number of blacks in places near by Olson Insurance Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Florin 7493
Plymouth 24
Antelope 4822
Sutter Creek-Plymouth 24
El Dorado Hills 759
Lemon Hill 1698
Fair Oaks 449
Georgetown 7
Sacramento 115176