State Farm
About : Providing Insurance and Financial Services
6201 State Farm Drive, Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Phone: 707-584-7585
Fax: 707-584-7598
Distance: 45.2 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
As I think of the sacrifices made at Pearl Harbor on this day in 1941, I give thanks to all who served then and now to keep us free. We will never forget.
#keithgarlockstatefarmagency would like to invite all of our friends to support the Rohnert Park Rotary Club by attending our event on June 14th. We will be serving local food and Craft Brewed Beverage from Noon until 5:00pm.
What a great NLCS Series the Giants had. I was ready to write them off when they were down 2 to 0 with the Reds, and again down 3 to 1 with the Cardinals. What a treat for the Bay Area to have the Giants in the World Series 2 out of 3 years!.