Statistics & Research about Durham,CA - Interwest Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Durham,CA an area served by Interwest Insurance Services Inc

Phone : 530-899-0341

Real estate research for area nearby Interwest Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Rackerby 162,500 850 6.3
Cohasset 282100 NA NA
Bangor 174,200 783 5.4
Artois 263300 NA NA
Loma Rica 296,400 1250 5.1
Vina 137500 NA NA
Honcut 162,900 397 2.9
Robinson Mill 242400 NA NA
South Oroville 99,100 915 11.1
Thermalito 135,600 913 8.1

Number of vacant houses in places near by Interwest Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Rackerby 14
Cohasset 45
Bangor 51
Artois 17
Loma Rica 169
Honcut 38
South Oroville 167
Thermalito 222
Chico 4414
Durham 170
Richvale 60

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Interwest Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Rackerby 450000
Cohasset 344400
Bangor 265400
Loma Rica 214200
South Oroville 106500
Thermalito 168000
Chico 295500
Durham 385200
Yankee Hill 87300

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Interwest Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Rackerby 57
Cohasset 240
Bangor 114
Artois 60
Loma Rica 475
Vina 26
Honcut 28
Robinson Mill 16
South Oroville 865
Thermalito 1263
Chico 17315
Nord 29
Durham 1014
Richvale 79
Yankee Hill 44

Number of blacks in places near by Interwest Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Honcut 9
South Oroville 236
Thermalito 45
Chico 1618
Durham 18