Statistics & Research about Lodi,CA - Dejong Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Lodi,CA an area served by Dejong Insurance

Phone : 209-365-0447

Real estate research for area nearby Dejong Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
East Contra Costa 323,000 1710 6.4
Terminous 130000 NA NA
Farmington 234200 NA NA
Morada 357,400 2001 6.7
Herald 296800 NA NA
Antioch 251,900 1269 6.0
Clay 387,700 931 2.9
La Riviera 217,600 1059 5.8
Rio Vista 243,300 1116 5.5
Galt 263,300 1126 5.1

Number of whites in places near by Dejong Insurance

Place name Number of whites
East Contra Costa 83292
Terminous 345
Farmington 187
Morada 2900
Herald 919
Antioch 52762
Clay 810
La Riviera 7576
Rio Vista 6302
Galt 25628
French Camp 3155
Sloughhouse 5624
Ione 9428
Country Club 6288
Dogtown 2144

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Dejong Insurance

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
East Contra Costa 1581
Morada 82
Herald 27
Antioch 2625
La Riviera 387
Rio Vista 254
Galt 519
French Camp 66
Sloughhouse 13
Ione 198
Country Club 137
Dogtown 21

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Dejong Insurance

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
East Contra Costa 362100
Terminous 125000
Morada 813200
Herald 486400
Antioch 342600
Clay 1000001
Rio Vista 273300
Galt 319400
French Camp 317600
Sloughhouse 421700
Ione 245400
Country Club 1000001
Dogtown 450000

Number of blacks in places near by Dejong Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
East Contra Costa 9797
Farmington 27
Morada 105
Herald 55
Antioch 17825
La Riviera 1183
Rio Vista 553
Galt 886
French Camp 467
Sloughhouse 431
Ione 861
Country Club 595