Statistics & Research about Chico,CA - Dahlmeier Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Chico,CA an area served by Dahlmeier Insurance Agency

Phone : 530-342-6421

Real estate research for area nearby Dahlmeier Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Stirling City 263000 NA NA
Flournoy 342900 NA NA
Kelly Ridge 171,500 1095 7.7
Los Molinos 141,900 828 7.0
Forest Ranch 297800 NA NA
Berry Creek 205,400 875 5.1
Cherokee 105700 NA NA
Paradise 224,600 887 4.7
Orland 210,900 734 4.2
Thermalito 135,600 913 8.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Dahlmeier Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Stirling City 40
Flournoy 40
Kelly Ridge 703
Los Molinos 282
Forest Ranch 164
Berry Creek 331
Cherokee 5
Paradise 9538
Orland 1720
Thermalito 715
Princeton 67
Tehama 81
Hamilton City 205
Oroville 5145
Butte Meadows 57

Number of old houses in places near by Dahlmeier Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Stirling City 263000
Flournoy 193800
Los Molinos 101400
Berry Creek 262500
Paradise 267200
Orland 202700
Thermalito 157600
Tehama 198200
Hamilton City 183900
Oroville 152900

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Dahlmeier Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Kelly Ridge 238200
Los Molinos 14800
Forest Ranch 370600
Berry Creek 210700
Paradise 244000
Orland 212900
Thermalito 168000
Princeton 52500
Tehama 189300
Hamilton City 133800
Oroville 167800

Number of blacks in places near by Dahlmeier Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Kelly Ridge 26
Paradise 162
Orland 69
Thermalito 45
Hamilton City 25
Oroville 973