Statistics & Research about Yuba City,CA - Bill Edick Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Yuba City,CA an area served by Bill Edick Insurance Agency

Phone : 530-671-9633

Car dealers nearby Bill Edick Insurance Agency

Qa Auto Sales

Yuba City,CA
Phone: 530-671-2526

Real estate research for area nearby Bill Edick Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Arbuckle 238,200 969 4.9
Honcut 162,900 397 2.9
Sutter 219,500 894 4.9
Richvale 193500 NA NA
Marysville 147,900 861 7.0
Grimes 107,800 508 5.7
East Nicolaus 131,300 832 7.6
Lake Wildwood 388,600 1717 5.3
Biggs 175,100 914 6.3

Number of vacant houses in places near by Bill Edick Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Arbuckle 113
Honcut 38
Sutter 107
Richvale 60
Marysville 486
East Nicolaus 2
Lake Wildwood 185
Biggs 209
Beale AFB 506
Lincoln 1469
Thermalito 222
East Yuba-Beale AFB 643

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Bill Edick Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Arbuckle 273200
Honcut 159500
Sutter 213800
Marysville 183600
East Nicolaus 55000
Biggs 179200
Lincoln 341600
Thermalito 149900
East Yuba-Beale AFB 165000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Bill Edick Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Arbuckle 73
Sutter 17
Richvale 29
Marysville 10
Lake Wildwood 35
Biggs 59
Lincoln 2293
Thermalito 74
East Yuba-Beale AFB 18

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Bill Edick Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Arbuckle 204
Honcut 50
Sutter 180
Marysville 429
East Nicolaus 2
Lake Wildwood 405
Biggs 116
Beale AFB 212
Lincoln 5939
Sheridan 88
Thermalito 97
East Yuba-Beale AFB 374
Yolo 34