Statistics & Research about Granite Bay,CA - Albano Dale Dunn And Lewis Ins Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Granite Bay,CA an area served by Albano Dale Dunn And Lewis Ins Services Inc

Phone : 916-788-8191

Real estate research for area nearby Albano Dale Dunn And Lewis Ins Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cold Springs 281,000 590 2.5
Georgetown 294,200 994 4.1
Nicolaus 400,000 813 2.4
Meadow Vista 352,500 1364 4.6
Cameron Park 343,800 1130 3.9
Rancho Murieta 426,300 1535 4.3
East Yolo 253,500 878 4.2
Auburn 377,200 1025 3.3
Foothill Farms 166,800 995 7.2

Number of old houses in places near by Albano Dale Dunn And Lewis Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Georgetown 317900
Nicolaus 287500
Meadow Vista 562500
East Yolo 152100
Auburn 341800
Foothill Farms 370400
Trowbridge 350000
Roseville 206800
Fair Oaks 363900
Grass Valley 329800

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Albano Dale Dunn And Lewis Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Meadow Vista 411700
Cameron Park 484100
Rancho Murieta 409200
East Yolo 310600
Auburn 562800
Foothill Farms 122200
Trowbridge 285000
Shingle Springs 526900
Roseville 362300
Fair Oaks 485700
Grass Valley 457900

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Albano Dale Dunn And Lewis Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Georgetown 10
Meadow Vista 15
Cameron Park 179
McClellan Park 9
Rancho Murieta 150
East Yolo 1228
Auburn 777
Foothill Farms 125
Shingle Springs 154
Roseville 3188
Fair Oaks 867
Grass Valley 574

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Albano Dale Dunn And Lewis Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Georgetown 337800
Meadow Vista 405600
Cameron Park 394400
Rancho Murieta 426800
East Yolo 248000
Auburn 434600
Foothill Farms 156600
Trowbridge 527800
Shingle Springs 460800
Roseville 346900
Fair Oaks 460100
Grass Valley 411400